Il progetto d'arte contemporanea #lasciamiandare, ideato da Monica Marioni, si concentra sul tema delle relazioni tossiche e della dipendenza affettiva. La mostra, in curata da Maria Rosa Sossai, Igor Zanti e lo psicologo Stefano Di Carlo, è stata ospitata dal 7 al 28 settembre 2022 presso il Bunker di Caldogno (VI), un'ex struttura militare tedesca convertita in spazio espositivo.
The contemporary art project #letmego, created by Monica Marioni, focuses on the theme of toxic relationships and emotional dependence. The exhibition, in collaboration with Maria Rosa Sossai, Igor Zanti, and psychologist Stefano Di Carlo, is hosted from September 7th to 28th, 2022, at the Bunker of Caldogno (VI), a former German military structure converted into an exhibition space.
The contemporary art project #letmego, created by Monica Marioni, focuses on the theme of toxic relationships and emotional dependence. The exhibition, in collaboration with Maria Rosa Sossai, Igor Zanti, and psychologist Stefano Di Carlo, is hosted from September 7th to 28th, 2022, at the Bunker of Caldogno (VI), a former German military structure converted into an exhibition space.

L'esposizione trasforma il bunker in una casa-prigione in cui vengono ritratti i diversi tipi di violenza fisica e psicologica che le donne hanno subito durante la pandemia. L'allestimento include una wunderkammer con disegni, foto, oggetti e video realizzati durante la segregazione. Ogni ambiente rappresenta una forma di prevaricazione. La mostra vuole sensibilizzare il pubblico sulla dipendenza affettiva e sulla necessità di riconoscere l'altro per quello che realmente è.
The exhibition transforms the bunker into a prison-house where different types of physical and psychological violence that women have suffered during the pandemic are portrayed. The exhibition includes a wunderkammer with drawings, photos, objects, and videos made during segregation. Each environment represents a form of abuse. The exhibition aims to raise awareness of emotional dependence and the need to recognize others for who they really are.
The exhibition transforms the bunker into a prison-house where different types of physical and psychological violence that women have suffered during the pandemic are portrayed. The exhibition includes a wunderkammer with drawings, photos, objects, and videos made during segregation. Each environment represents a form of abuse. The exhibition aims to raise awareness of emotional dependence and the need to recognize others for who they really are.